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An index serves only one purpose:
it enables readers to locate information efficiently.

~ Nancy C. Mulvany, Indexing Books, 2nd Edition

Book indexing is as much art as science. Without an index, access to the information in a book is severely compromised. An incomplete index can be misleading if potential purchasers conclude that the information they are seeking is not included in the book. If a librarian or university professor determines that an index is mediocre or incomplete, the book may be rejected without another look.

The value of a good book index is ultimately measured in book sales, which means dollars and cents.

Don’t leave your book's index to chance – hire a professional indexer!

At All Sky Indexing, I will work with you to make sure the index meets the needs of the author, the publisher and the readers. Price quotes are free and submitted quickly.

Nancy C. Mulvany, in Indexing Books, 2nd Edition, says:

  • An index is not a concordance, a list of all the words that appear in a document.
  • An index is not a more elaborate version of the table of contents.
  • An index is not a mere appendage to a book.
  • A good index retains the author’s terminology, while anticipating the language
    of readers that may differ from that of the author, and anticipates the
    expectations of different readers. In other words, an index does not exist independently of its audience.

Madge Walls, Professional Indexer

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• Accurate work
• Commitment to deadlines
• Competitive pricing
• Easy communication

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